Rudy Mae Vézina Dionne was born in 1990 in the Bas-Saint-Laurent region and now lives and works in Montreal. She holds a BFA in interdisciplinary art and a MFA in research and creation from Université du Québec à Chicoutimi. She is a multidisciplinary artist who focuses on the themes of everydayness and identity. Death, anxiety, symbolism as well as the status of the icon are presented in various forms in her production, for instance as installations or performance art.

I use popular culture, memories, autofiction and the alter ego as the main elements of identity. While thinking up and then creating my works, these components are subjected to an anxious treatment that alters their meaning and appearance. It's this “anxious-making” that leads me to introduce anxiety-provoking elements in my work, elements that suggest death, strangeness, absence and solitude. Into the images that I make, I insert things that trigger fear, worry, which sometimes shock or lead to unease or confusion, but nevertheless leave room for certain poetry. The use of medical imagery, of identity transformation, facial modification or the presence of visual oxymorons produces unusual interactions between the pieces and establishes a certain suspension of time. My works constitute a figure whereby I can project my position in regards to identity and the absurdity of the everyday. They show a worrisome and cynical world; a reality in their own image.