I explore museums. I photograph works, one at a time, to then superimpose them in a single digital file. I explore cities. I photograph sites and monuments with a lens-less camera, a blind camera. Everything disappears. Until then, however, the colours, shadows and light remain. One more way to come to grips with finitude.

Over the next months, Martin Désilets will present several solo exhibitions, among which Les tableaux réunis at Musée d’art de Joliette, which is the fruit of an artist residency in the museum's storage spaces, as well as at Galerie B-312 (Montreal) and at the exhibition centre Vieux Presbytère in Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville. When museums and the sky will open up again, Martin Désilets will resume his activities as an artist in residency in Basel (Atelier Mondial) and in the US.

Image caption : Tous les portraits de la collection, d’après "Portrait de ma soeur" by Suzanne Duquet (working version), 2020, 75,4 x 60,2 cm