Through apparatuses that often modify the direct perception of the image, Lucas Blais Gamache explores notions of thinness and the border between the representation of an image, its support as well as its spatial layout in order to set up a relational structure between these elements.

The installation of an image of the body notably seeks to invite viewers to identify themselves in the installation and to question their own position in the dynamic that is put in place. The image often denotes an equivocal sensation that arises from the confusion of what the body can present us with. Between sensuality and a medical close-up, an inside or outside of the carnal membrane, gentleness or violence, the viewer is once again invited to take a stance in regards to what he or she perceives.

Lucas Blais Gamache is from the Mauricie region where he has collaborated as part of several groups, notably Projet Bifrost (2017), the Biennale nationale de sculpture contemporaine de Trois-Rivières (2018) and Happenings such as Volupté: A Loving Soap (2019). He received an BFA from UQTR (2017) and his artistic and professional dedication have led him to pursue graduate studies in the management of cultural organizations at HEC Montréal.